
Building bridges of God's Kingdom in our lives and throughout the city.

We are all about God’s good, beautiful and true kingdom being made known and experienced in the lives of people throughout Salt Lake City. We want to see people receive the good news of God’s love and forgiveness in Jesus as they entrust their lives to Him. We want to see people empowered and extend the joy of God’s rule and reign throughout their lives. As God has built bridges to us in Christ, by His Spirit, in Scripture and through His church we are building bridges to others that they might know, experience and embrace God’s amazing kingdom in their lives. 


Because of the gospel of God we are people who live rooted, relational, resourceful and reverent lives. 

Gospel - Gospel simply means good news. We receive the good news that God has come, spoken, saves and sends His people. God is brining wholeness and flourishing to all things as His Kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven. 

Rooted - We are rooted in an ancient faith and practice it in a modern way. This faith we have in Jesus isn’t just a part of our lives but gives life and significance to every part of our lives. We are grounded and stable in Christ and His Church in an ever changing and chaotic world. 

Relational - We aren’t just isolated individuals who are bound by religious rules. We live in dynamic relationship with the triune God as Father, Son and Spirit. We pursue healthy relationships with one another in honor and peace and we pursue those around us in love.


Resourceful - We see the life of faith  as one that is full of adventure, discovery and creativity. As we receive God’s provision in our lives we generously share who God has made us to be and the talents, passions and resources He’s given us. 

Reverent - All that we do isn’t about our self-sufficiency or our self-attainment but is offered to God in worship and joy. The goal of our lives is to declare and display the greatness of God and to live in reverence of all that he has made as we honor: one another, our neighbors, our work, our friends and our enemies, our time and our bodies. 


Greg Arender, Priest

Greg is married to Becca and they have 3 kids. He loves God, loves people and loves Salt Lake City. He’s naturally curious and inquisitive and loves hearing about people and their lives. He’s an avid learner and a “contemplative in action.” In his free time he meets with leaders around the country to provide care, counsel and support to them, their families and their organizations. He’s been leading the church in ministry for 20 years and has multiple degrees and certifications in theology, spiritual formation, soul-care, leadership and life-coaching.